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17 Hilarious Russian Swear Words That Will Have You Laughing

Vodka and colorful accents aren't the only thing that makes learning Russian interesting. You have to learn the most common Russian swear words!

We all need to vent once in awhile in life. Things get stressful and we can only drink so much alcohol to relieve our stress.What's a fun and unique way to share your frustration? Russian swear words.

People often know Russia today for its vodka, cold weather, and the US political hacking. But Russian is one of the most colorful languages to learn, especially their curse words. Not only are the accents vastly different from what we're used to, but they have hilarious swear words that will have you on the floor laughing.

If you're looking to visit in Russia, dating a Russian partner, or tap into a fast growing economy, learning these Russian insults are an essential steps. It will help you connect with fellow Russians who like to joke around with their friends, and most importantly, you'll recognize when someone else is using it on you!

17 Hilarious Russian Swear Words That Will Have You Laughing

We've broken down our list of swear words in Russian into three categories. Safety zone, which is relatively soft insults, caution zone, which should be used with friends, and danger zone, which should not be used (unless you want to place yourself in danger).

Safety Zone

Let's start with the softer zone.

1. Сволочь (Svo-lach')

Meaning: scum or jerk
Explanation: This is an old school curse word that has been around since the 14th century. It was used to refer to a cat or another animal being dragged in the trash. Quite harsh, yes. However, it's a relatively mild compared to what we're about to share.

2. Мочи перхоти (Perhot’-podzalupnaya)

Meaning: Pee hole dandruff
Explanation: One of these hilarious yet conspicious definitions that have no actual meaning. It's as if they put two of the weirdest things they could think of: 'pee hole' and 'dandruff' and put them together.

3. Развалюха (Razvaluha)

Meaning: Car that’s falling apart as it goes
Another classic.

4. Жопа (Zho-pa)

Meaning: arse
Similar to calling someone a 'brat', this is usually used to refer to a younger child. Since it's a playful and easy going word, you can say this to someone without offending it. If you say it with a harmless tone, they won't be offended.

5. Гавно (Gav-no)

Meaning: sh*t
Like English, 'gav-no' is not an insult to someone else but more of a stress reliever to shout when you're mad. Say you forgot to change your timezone during daylight savings and you're late for work, well you now know what to say.

Cautious Zone

Alright we're now crossing the cautious zone, where you want to think twice before saying it to someone. We recommend using it in a joking setting with friends or co-workers, where you have a bond already built-in.

6. лох (Loh)

Meaning: Stupid or sucker
This is a fairly strong insult you can say to someone, and they'll definitely know that you're trying to harm them. Unless you truly mean that they're easily fooled, then maybe they won't know!

7. Гандон (Gan-don)

Meaning: Condom

I've never heard of anyone being called a condom in English, but after reading about how Russians use it, we should adopt this. As you can imagine, it's describing someone who's being annoying or someone who's weak.

8. Ублюдок (Svoloch')

Meaning: Bastard
Pretty self-explanatory here.

9. Чушь собачья (Piz'duk)

Meaning: Bullsh*tter
When you say this in a serious tone, it can really get to someone. No one likes being called a con artist, which is equivalent to a 'bullsh*tter' so you should think carefully before saying it.

10. срать (Srat)

Meaning: “to shit”
It may not be as obvious but this also means to 'not care' for. Much like saying 'you don't give a sh*t' about something, you can use this Russian verb to put together various different swear words.

Examples include:

  • насра́ть - “to not care for”
  • обосра́ться “to shit oneself”

11. чертовски дно (Yobannoe dno)

Meaning: F*cking bottom
It means your life can't go any worse and that it has hit rock bottom. Good news is, it can only go up from here! 

12. Лошадь мочи

Meaning: Horse pee hole! (to a person)
Another strange yet hilarious insult like pee hole dandruff. It seems like Russians get a kick out of calling someone a pee hole, so we can only guess there's some history of meaning there.

Danger Zone (!!)

OK, now we're in the red zone. The Russian curse words we're about to share with you are dangerous. Unless you enjoy bar fighting and burning bridges at home or work, we recommend only learning these insults for your own curiousity.

13. хуй (HOOY)

Meaning: “dick”
We're going to start the danger zone with the mother of all swear words in Russian. Beyond the obvious meaning of male's genitals, хуй can be used to tell someone to screw off. Alright, since we're in the danger zone, to tell someone to 'f*ck off'

Here are a few different scenarios that you can use:

  • Хуй (его́) зна́ет.  I don’t know. / Who fucking knows.
  • Мне по́хую!  I don’t give a fuck!
  • хуёво “shitty, awful"

14. жо́па (ZHO-pa)

Meaning: “ass”
If you want some variety, you can say 'zho-pa' to get the same message across as 'hooy'. It also directly means someone's bottom behind, but it also can mean...

  • Подви́нь жо́пу! Move your ass!
  • Поцелу́й мою́ жо́пу! Kiss my ass!
  • Не будь жо́пой!  Don’t be an asshole!

15. Трахни тебя (Poshyol ty)

Meaning: F*ck you
We couldn't put together a list of swear words in Russian without showing you how to use the 'F-word.'  Posh is the key word to pay attention here as it's also used in many other insults including:

  • Пошлая свеня (Poshlaja svenja): Chauvinistic pig
  • Пошыел к чыерту (Poshyel k chyertu) - Go to hell

16. Ти дегхенераат (Ti degheneraat)

Meaning: You’re a degenerate
Oof. Just hearing this in my inner voice gives me a bad feeling. Not a very nice to start a relationship, that's all we'll say.

17. Отыебис от меныа! (Otyebis ot menya!)

Meaning: Get the f*ck away from me
If Подви́нь жо́пу! (Move your ass!) isn't getting the job done when someone is in your face,. this should do the trick. Unlike the Japanese culture, you may want to enunciate how you truly feel with the tougher Russian culture.

We hope you enjoyed this list of hilarious words. Remember, use with caution and have fun with it!

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